But wait, I thought you are a writer?
So, a little more about me. Creativity runs through my veins. I not only love to write, but I also am a graphics designer, and I even dabble in videography. I have been creating graphics for about four years now (I designed the front cover of my book, "I Quit!", using some tips I learned from my talented friend, Anthony), as well as videos intermittently. Writing has been in my life for about 7 years now.
Although I love "all the things" above, photography has been in my life much longer. I have loved taking pictures for as long as I can remember. However, I have just always seen taking pictures as a hobby, and like most people, I was my own worst critic and didn't think that my pictures were any good.
But now, I have decided to put my insecurities aside and jump into the deep end of this photography thing. I am so passionate about helping others to capture moments that matter most to them.

Moments are precious, so why not take the time to capture them?
Let's capture them together...
Hobbies/Interests/School Sessions
Whether you are a homeschooling family or you just want to capture the essence of who your children are, I am here for you.
These photo shoots are super fun, they do not take very long, and can help to boost the confidence of your children.

Graduation Sessions
Give the seniors in your life the opportunity to shine bright by highlighting the confident beings they have become.
This session gives them something to reflect back on as well as encourages them as they look forward to the future.

Family Sessions
Life flies by so fast and often times family photos fall on the backburner. Take the time to press pause and capture your family together. These sessions can be anything from goofy, to serious, and everything in between.

Let's face it! Baby bumps are adorable! So, why not take the time to make sure they are remembered. Being pregnant seems like an eternity but it goes by so fast once it is all said and done. Don't waste another minute, momma!

Baby Sessions
Babies change so much within their first year. They go from being totally dependent on their parents to crawling, walking, and running toward their own desires. Let's capture some moments of them before they reach their next stage. They will be there before you know it!

Engagement/Bridal Sessions
Before my husband and I got married, we did not have an Engagement Session and I did not have a Bridal Session. If I could find a time machine, I would go back and make these things happen! This is why I am very passionate about these two sessions. Every couple needs an Engagement Session and every bride deserves Bridals.

Another interesting fact about my husband and me is that we had a friend of ours take pictures for us on our wedding day in order to save some money. The pictures were awful! Not all of it was his fault...the lights did go out right after the service due to a tornado in the area, true story. But, again if I could go back, I would have paid a photographer for our special day. All that to say, this is why I am also passionate about making sure that each couple gets the most perfect pictures for their perfect day.

A Time to Grieve
A Time to Celebrate
I lost my mother unexpectedly last September. Ever since then I have thought about a photography session that could be used to honor those who have been lost. Whether you have a special photo of your loved one, something they have given you, or you want to have pictures taken at a place that was special to them (or to you both), these sessions can be used to give you the space and time to grieve and to help celebrate your lost but not forgotten loved one.
"I am not a magician, but I know how to freeze time."
~Author Unknown
I’m a paragraph. Double click me or click Edit Text, it's easy.
I’m a paragraph. Double click me or click Edit Text, it's easy.
I’m a paragraph. Double click me or click Edit Text, it's easy.
I’m a paragraph. Double click me or click Edit Text, it's easy.